Thursday, April 16, 2015

Ready to Roll

In ten days we'll be off to Istanbul and then after two nights there, recovering from the flight, we'll fly to Tehran at 11:30 PM, arriving at 3:50 AM.  Making arrangements with the professor in Iran who is taking care of various matters has taken around eighty emails so far...I finally met my match when it comes to sending emails.  But we needed all those emails to take care of everything from our hotel in Tehran, trips to Isfahan and Shiraz, meetings I'll be having with various individuals and groups...and
so the emails mount up, until we're around eighty (if not more) emails.

I was looking through my files and came across a very nice review of my book An Anatomy of Humor.  I'm attaching a paragraph from the review, which makes very strong claims for the model of humor I elaborated in the book...and other books, as well.

I am having trouble uploading it...for some reason.